Tuesday, April 26, 2011

27.4.2011 - 0809 AM - AUH Time.

For the first time in two years I smiled at work. I smiled because I knew what was coming, I got a glimpse of the future. I felt at ease with myself and accepted my reality, Finally.

I AM FUCKING LEAVING! I can sit here for weeks complaining and telling you every itsy bitsy problem with my job. But frankly I don't think you care and neither do I. It's simply not worth the effort or time.

However, what is worth sharing is I have succeeded in getting the most supportive wife in the world, she is the very definition a kindness or something in arabic called " Hanan" (حنان)and now we are leaving and traveling around the world together. And I simply cannot wait.

I cannot wait to feel alive and rejuvenate my senses with the sights,sounds and tastes that this world has to offer. I feel like I have been imprisoned for 2 years and now I know I am getting my release papers.

I want to write more and I will.

But for now this should do...

Good day :) ( nod's his head and tips his non-existent hat)
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